so its not a religion? and jew-haters are "ethnicists" not "racists"? i understand that there are only three races.
blacks are just as racist as whites. just as asians are racist. but because someone has insulted a black person of power, one whose ass everyone kisses, we're having yet another stupid debate about race. blacks do need to stop using it a crutch. seems most of the only time black people want to remember slavery and civil rights these days, is young blacks who think they're getting discriminated against. i live in the south. in mississippi. i don't see anyone walking around cracking whips calling blacks "n----r" and "boy" and forcing them to pick cotton. i do see a good bit of black business owners. the sad thing is, this is america. this day and age it's all about money. anyone can go to school, get an education, and go to work somewhere. most placed don't give two shyts about color. they want the money maker.
people (and i really mean white "conservatives") should stop assuming that an action taken by google or statements made by sharpton, jackson, etc are equivalent to blacks b!tching and moaning about racism. it is my extensive experience that blacks are extremely close to the vest about perceived racial injustice (particularly this really weak stuff)
right. part of my point is that i am blaming whites and everyone for creating a culture where we are so sensitive that we apologize for everything. this is obviously not the fault of the black peeps. whites are basically saying "we are so sensitive that we apologize over nothing, because we are terrified of being seen as mean to the precious little blacks who are stupid and get their feelings hurt easily". the proper attitude for google is "dudes, we are not responsible for the content of the internet you damn retards." i think it is counterproductive to act like blacks should get offended over every little thing.
google is a business, and a really big one. they are just being cautious. you know it doesnt mean much, except to pissed off "conservatives" that are looking for any reason to bitch and moan about the oncoming socialist movement.