i appreciate you engaging me on one of my favorite topics. i dont mean your guilt about slavery or jim crow or whatever. i mean your general human guilt about being human and a privileged white dude. why does that exist? i am not sure. but it damn sure does. dont make me break out my speech about why the first book in the bible is a parable about fake sins and guilt. also i should note that you are not a lefty liberal on this topic, and i think i agree with your stance on race topix.
also i would like to re-iterate that the idea that it would matter that you are descended from slave-owners is ludicrous. i am definitely descended from slave owners, it couldnt be less relevant. we need to think of ourselves as indivduals, not prducts of history. if i was dating a girl, lets call her tina geobbels, and i found out she was the grandaughter of the jew killing geobbels, would i care? of course not, and neither should anyone. responsibility does not work that way, it doesnt travel down through genes. victimhood doesnt work that way either.
Actually, martin did...in the post that started this thread. Racism is a crutch, bottom line. Anyone that uses it, regardless of what their race is, is a coward. No one is entitled to anything that they didn't earn. If you're human, you can earn it just as well as any other human being on this planet. If you aren't earning it, it's not because the world hates your race...it's because you don't want it bad enough. Unless some type of discrimination happened to you, directly, you have no case. Even if it did, with the way the law works nowadays you would probably have enough money to make you forget all of your problems pretty quickly anyway. Here's a ladder... ...get over it.
you name a group, they have been oppressed and killed at some point. 20 million russians dead in ww2, 6 million jews in the holocaust. the armenian genocide. the millions dead in genocide in rwanda. the serbs and croats killed a million of each other in "ethnic cleansing" 15 years ago. the millions of chinese systematically slaughtered by japanese pre/during ww2. the slavery that exists right this moment in africa, particularly sudan. the slaughter in darfur. the indians killed by the white man. my english ancestors that were pillaged by red's vikings. the cajuns here that were driven by force from their homes in canada. the million or so cambodians murdered by the khmer rouge. the various countries all over the world beaten into submission by the british and french empires of 100 years ago. the iraqi pummelling of kurds and kuwaitis. the current daily bombing of israelis and pallestinians. the catholics and protestants of ireland who killed each other forever. the innumerable koreans and chinese and eastern europeans who were hammered by communism. history is a story of basically one thing: a group of people murdering and raping another, including individuals who wanted no part of the tribal conflict. find me a random person, and i will tell you some conflict their family members were crushed by, and most of the time i wont have to go back many generations. and another argument can be made: no black man on earth has it better than the american black man living in a mostly white western europe or america. the black man living in a black country has it far worse. if anything, the modern american black should thank jeebus that his ancestors were enslaved (almost always by other blacks) and then sold to the white man for taking to the new world. if you are an american black man of western african descent, you damn sure have it better than your relatives that are making zero progress in chad and sierra leone. your people havent done a damn thing in their homelands. so stop yer bitching. if your grandpa had to ride in the back of the bus, too bad. i know chinamen that can make your stories seem like nursery rhymes. and you know when they complain? never. they are elated to live in america.
that's grossly skewed. Far and away most people that have lived/living were not murdered or raped, or witnessed a murder or a rape, or ever had an immediate family member that was murdered or raped, and would be shocked by and condemn such an act. Man is inherently good; a noble, heroic being--not a genetic animal.
we are an extraordinarily lucky bunch of people to live when and where we do. but even we barely have to look back two generations to a world war. man is what he is.
racism exists and im sure it slows the progress of many deserving people. our nation and world is worse off for it. no i cant back it up, but i think its stupid to think otherwise. however it is because of the human condition and cannot be completely removed. but we are fortunate enough to live in a time when racism may be at its lowest prevalence---discrimination against ugly and/or fat people is a bigger problem. stop with the "get over it". that's as useful as saying "i have black friends,..." its the "entitled" that im interested in. i think as a study of racial socioeconomics that the widespread institutional racism in the US (and elsewhere) against blacks for hundreds of years has clearly had a negative effect on the current status of blacks and a positive effect on that of whites. not that anything should be done, but it should not be trivialized. i would guess that discounting the effects of racism comes from repressed guilt.
jews are typically not considered "white". most count them as a race and not a religion. how can you be 1/2 baptist?