Hell, who am I kidding? We flushed our sovereignty down the drain years ago. But things could soon be worse. [MEDIA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddQvhdCyhe4[/MEDIA]
Originally posted by LSUsupaFan: What do you mean? There are very powerful political forces in the world pushing for one world government. That is easily documented and fairly common knowledge among those interested in the subject. Tell me what do you think the "Trilateral Commision" is a proponent of regarding government? What about the Council on Foreign Relations? The proponents of world government are quite open about their opinion that one of the reasons the world has been ravaged by conflict is that the global political system is one of anarchy. There is no contolling authority and therefore sovereign nations are organized in relationships of relative power. International law is not binding. Who would enfoce it? Which political body? This situation allows the strong to dominate the weak regardless of international law. In their eyes, the only solution to further conflict, chaos and suffering is to subordinate national interests to international law; under the controlling authority of a supra-national government. This political body must be able to enforce the law as well......bingo, presto there is your "one world government". That is their position and they are not ashamed of it. I happen to think they are terribly misguided but it doesn't mean "they" aren't trying to make it happen. This is why the "lackeys" in the media are always beating the drums about problems that are not limited to national boundaries. They have to create the impression that national governments are incapable of solving the problems of (insert crises here) so the only solution is more "international cooperation" under a controlling authority. If you are not aware of this you should look into it. These are all facts. a tibit on CFR from wikipedia: link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_on_Foreign_Relations
Various nutjobs and conspiracy theorists have been screaming about the NWO for 80 years. Lord Mockenton is just the latest in a long line of nuts.
We seem to be using the term "nutjob" and "kook" an awful lot these days. I'm curious which is Walter Cronkite? Is he "the most trusted man in America"? Or is he a kook, too? The debunkers don't have a leg to stand on regarding this issue. The pursuit of world government is real, documented and ongoing. Those in charge of the movement or sympathetic to the movement admit their position very openly because they sincerely believe it to be the proper solution. I happen to think they are wrong but for anyone to dismiss the existence of such a large and influential movement is just denying the reality of the situation. You may agree with the global government supporters but it is impossible for you to credibly deny that they, do in fact, exist. one link among many: YouTube - Walter Cronkite and the New World Order
While I am passionately averse to any so-called NWO, I would definitely like to see every sovereign nation, especially the United States, have a government that legally defends the principles underpinning the Delaration of Independence. The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities. - Ayn Rand tgsam