This should pretty much put an end to the dual DCs and this crappy defensive scheme. Cheer up the future is brite!:thumb:
Sorry, Nothing good comes from losing to Ole Miss, whats next Miss. State? Ive been through those days. not gonna do it again.
We need a serious overhaul on the defensive side and as bad as I hate Ole piss this was probably what it was gonna take to get it done.
I can deal with a loss because I understand we've had bad QB luck and lost great senior leaders last year. But this current Tiger team looks hopeless. Really, I feel empty and am not excited about the near future.
The ONLY good thing that comes from this loss is that we won't be humilated in the Cotton Bowl by a Big 10 team. Can you imagine Mallory and Peveto scheming against Texas, Oklahoma, Oklahoma St. Hell, Baylor's FRESHMAN QB would carve up Pevoto and Mallory's so-called Defense. I guess we play in the Liberty Bowl vs. who? Florida Atlantic? Delaware Central? Texas Southern?
i think this loss forces miles' hand with the co DC thing. if he doesn't make a move, i regret to say he'll head down the dinardo path. my one concern is that he'll demote peveto but keep mallory as the sole DC which will just bring more of the same. one thing i noticed today is how players quit early on defense. like if a CB is close to making a tackle on the sidelines the LB's will quit running. on one play the ball carrier got away and either sheppard or riley had to start running again. you fly to the ball and play to the whistle, these guys don't do that.
Yep, noticed this, too. Poor coaching in my view. Talent is there. Need new DCs, for sure. I would argue a new OC, too, but many here will disagree with me since CGC is considered a "genius", a "wizard". I have worried about him since he was hired and have not been that impressed. Name one game in the last 15 that WE have blown out a team b/c of our offensive prowess, efficiency, and dominance? Everyone talks about the balanced stats at the end of the game, but what about all of the come from behind wins, and now losses? Coming from behind seems like all we do, partly b/c of poor defense, but also b/c of poor offensive gameplans.
i'm not with ya on crowton, he doesn't have much to work with, people think we should hand the ball to scott 100 times a game but those people haven't watched the running game recently. LSU is not hard to figure out on offense when the QB is playing so poorly. o line had an uncharacteristic game today, i think having the byes so early in the season b/c of the hurricane is now taking its toll. this team has played a bunch with no week off. WR's have gotten worse, even when QB's make a good throw they still drop a bunch.