I'm getting ready to head down to NOLA, and just wanted to take a minute to express how much i've enjoyed the interaction here, and the opportunity to do so with some very educated fans, who are as passionate about their team, as I am about mine. Good luck to the tigers! (not too much though ). If anyone's floating around Bourbon St, I'm a 5'7" bald guy who will be screaming his head off cheering for the buckeyes, say hello, and maybe we'll grab a beer. Cheers! Edit: I'll be back home late tuesday night, may or may not pop in to get post game thoughts, but I will defnitely not dissapear, win or lose. Thanks again!
Youre playing LSU...you wont have more fun than us. :wave: Hope yall stay around after this week and have a good time in NOLA.
Buck, it is an absolute pleasure having you in and around. Stick around after the war cause I like to hear your opinion bout the rest of the nation. Fart jokes, pick on tiga kinda thangs. Dont forget to try the boudin when your down, ya might just have to stay!!! :thumb:
Have a good trip. Hopefully the Tiger fans won't give you too much hazing after the Tigers wrap up another National title. Seriously I hope that its a great game (with the tigers coming out on top, of course,.)
Both of you Buckeye fans are first rate, I hope you stick around after the big game! I hope you enjoy NO, I think you will. Pat O'Briens bar used to do college fight songs every night at midnight in the piano bar, gotta get there early to have a seat at midnight. Funnest bar in the world to me. Nothing quite like getting loaded and singing as load as you can! 3 hurricanes can be very dangerous, they taste like candy, then hit you like a hammer! Watch out... I was in NOLA last week, had some good food.
Back at ya guys...wish I could be in NO myself...its gonna be wild. And may I add. :geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux:!!!
Enjoy your visit in NO. Have enjoyed your participation in our board. Thanks for some quality discussion & insight into the Buckeyes. Hopefully both teams bring their A game to the Dome Monday night. If they do, it should be a barn burner.