This storm will be catastrophic, I know, but I also know that it will bring out the best in the best people on Earth.
Safe travels to all my fellow Tigers on the Gulf Coast... After a huge oak tree in our front yard split our house in BR in two during Hurricane Betsy in '65, I KNOW how bad these things can be... I hope the damn thing degrades to a 1..... If you need to, then GET THE HELL OUT. :thumb: We can replace everything else BUT YOU. :bncry:
175mph max. sustained winds. That is insane. Goodbye, New Orleans. Everyone stay as safe as possible.
holy jeebus i was out all day and i got back and checked the radar and it looks frightening. good luck all you friends down there.
I just hope the little ones I saw on TV are safe. There were a lot of children going into the Dome. May God watch over them.