I didn't get to see the entire game, but I see that he was 24 for 30 tonight. That is an incredible night. I was one of the few that didn't think he had such a bad game last week, considering how the entire team played. He did complete 57 percent of his passes last week, not too shabby. There were SO many people saying that he should benched, in favor for a true freshman. All I have to say is 11-2. There were also people on here saying that we would only win one more game, two at the most. What do you think now? I say this is a damn good team. If we stay healthy, this will be a year to remember. :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :lsug: :lsug: :lsug: :lsug: :lsug: :lsug: :lsug: :lsug: :lsug: :lsug: :lsug:
Overall, Mauck played a solid game. Mauck does need some extra work on his deep ball. I think he throws the 20-25 yard passes a lot better than the 25+ yarders, where he obviously struggled tonight. He did run the ball better tonight than he has all season. And it pleased me that the option really didn't show up (Go Jimbo!). I liked how we faked the option and dropped him back to pass. THat was sweet, and he seemed to respond. Also, glad to see the TEs being used effectively.
I thought it was good to run the draw a few times, I think that helps Matt with his rythum. It always help when you can run the football. I thought it was wise, also to defer to the second half.
That fake option would have been alot better had he thrown the ball to Clayton streaking across the middle as the fake option did nothing to the DB guarding Henderson. However, the safety that would have been helping on Clayton coming across the middle was out of position and Mike had nobody within 10 yards of him. Oh well. That really is grasping at straws for something to bicker about. Mauck was outstanding tonight and is back to playing his game.
On that fake option, if Mauck would have hit Henderson in stride, it would have been an easy TD. The only reason he did not look open is because Mauck did not throw a good pass. He had a couple of steps on that guy. I hate to bash Mauck after a stunning performance, but that play is pretty much the poster child of Maucks vision. He really zeros in on a receiver. In this case though, I really believe that if Henderson would have been covered better, Mauck would have checked off to Clayton (at least that is what I am telling myself).
Some of the brilliant "Mauck sucks" type posts that we saw after the Florida game don't seem to be as evident this week, do they?
The timing on Offense was alot better this week. Mauck had a couple of bad plays but when you are envolved in every play a couple of bad ones is not that bad.
I agree with everyone on here because there were remarks that Mauck should have been benched and as long as he is starting we arent going anywhere...WHERE ARE THOSE REMARKS THIS WEEK.
I never said he sucked, I just thought that they needed to put Randall in for a series with the offense struggling, or maybe put in second string offense to send a message and help settle Matt down. Referring to pastimers statement
My remark was not directed at you, Sourdoughman. After last week's game there were some folks who wanted to bench Mauck and put in Jamarcus Russell. Another genius posted "Mauck sucks." That is who I was referring to.