I just found out I am going to the game Thursday night, and had to share the news! I have a good friend at my church who never misses a game, and I was going to ask him about another game, since my 5 year old is driving me nuts wanting to go to an LSU! game. Before I even said a word as I approached him, he said..."Hey, ya' wanna go with me Thursday night?" I didn't hesitate, then told the wife later. I told her he offerred me two seats, and that I was taking the boy!:hihi: She's cool with it, but wants to go to a game in TS with me this year. We went to Fresno St. last year, and even though she's an lefire: alum...she loves Tiger Stadium, the Golden Band, the atmosphere, and all that goes along with LSU football. We made a promise to each other nearly 12 years ago that we would never go to another LSU/Ole Miss game together again...as we nearly divorced two weeks into our marriage.:dis: Nearly twelve years later though, and I bet she would be rooting for :lsup: if we did.:hihi: My jedi mind tricks have altered her way of thinking over the years! Anyway, sound off if you are going to be in StarkVegas Thursday night, and maybe we'll try to meet up before the game...wanna put some faces to some names on TF.:thumb:
Is anyone here in/near starkville? do you have a predetermined tailgating area? Something on the grass, under a shade tree is nice, I'm not a parking lot/asphalt/RV guy.