Considering the success Coach "O"-2 in the SEC is having, I don't think you'll have a problem, especially since they have Bama and Auburn before they get to us. Morale won't exactly be high among their fans.
Yes, you can get tickets on the Ole Piss website. Section S2 is supposed to be where the LSU fans and band will be. > Tickets for Ole Piss game < These are my seats: - Ole Miss vs. LSU Sec. S2 Row 49 Seat 19 Price - $42.00 - Ole Miss vs. LSU Sec. S2 Row 49 Seat 20 Price - $42.00 I believe Berge is on row 48 right in front of us. A few TF people will be at that game. JSRacing, salty, tirk, Berge... Should be a fun time! :thumb:
Guess who's right in front of you Grad.... - Ole Miss vs. LSU Sec. S2 Row 48 Seat 18 Price - $42.00 - Ole Miss vs. LSU Sec. S2 Row 48 Seat 19 Price - $42.00 - Ole Miss vs. LSU Sec. S2 Row 48 Seat 20 Price - $42.00 :thumb: lefire:lefire:lefire:lefire:lefire:
North Endzone section 102 row 3 seat 5-9. Its the ole Myth section, so there should be plenty of leg room.
This is a picture from a link that JSRacingnek sent me.. It gives a really clear view of the visiting fans seating.... and of a crappy stadium in a cow pasture..... Check out that awesome practice pasture to the right!
yes I'll be there Section S1 row 33 seats 4,5,6,7 Berge I heard the band sits in either section S right below us or 101 in the North end zone. I also heard that S, S1 and S2 are visitors and the spill over visitors is the North end zone 101-106.
I bought four for $150 on Ebay. I bought 2 more for $60(isle seats) in the TAF section. I never been, I can't wait to give the webbles hell. lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: