Ya gotta love Pat Summitt's Tenn Vol spirit! Not many head coaches would go so far as to dye their hair to match the school's color -- TENNESSEE VOLUNTEER BRIGHT ORANGE! If Bob Starkey had showed up tonight with purple and gold hair, I really believe that we would have beaten Rutgers . . . or better yet, he should have showed up bare-chested and with a fully painted purple and gold hairy body . . . yeah, that would have been the ticket. :lol: LSU! :lsup:
gross. hope each lose. though, i wish starkey would not have worn a shirt tonight, would provided a little entertainment.
Call me crazy but I have to go for Rutgers now!! If for no other reason that I want to be beaten by the national champs!!! Also would mik to see them win thier next national championship (the other one being a shared one in fenicing in 1949:rofl: )!!! That was too good to pass up!!!!!! By the way I think I may go for tOSU also because I am sick and tired of these florida fans!!! I remember the days of being SEC all the way!!!! What is happening to me???????????????
I just GOTTA know - since when is Carolina Blue one of Tennessee's colors??? They were wearing it on their unis tonight - WHAT'S UP WID DAT??????
Gotta go with Rutgers. That's my Boss's team and it's always better when your boss (like your wifemate) is in a good mood.
Oh yeah? My bosses' favorite team is Stanfurd, even though he went to San Jose State. I LOVE it when the Tree loses, ESPECIALLY to San Jose State.... ...and I ALWAYS give him crap about it.... :thumb: