I'll not let his sack of sh** "QB" hog all of our Syracuse-related attention here today; let's cast a (very, very) thankful look at my newest, bestest friend (him being Maurice Clarett's cousin nonwithstanding), stud RB Walter Reyes. Details to follow.
This prince of a young man is from Struthers, OH. No word if the town was named in honor of Sally's fine acting accomplishments.
Averaged 8.67 ppg as a sophmore last season, 21st in the country. Not surprisingly, he excelled in track back in High School. Oh, and he's also made about a millon or so new friends for life as a result of today's game. If he's drafted/signed by the Saints at some point in time in the future, it says here that he will be very warmly received in N'Awlins.
I'm pleased to announce that his 186 rushing yards (so far) easily sets a career best for Mr. Reyes (prev. high: 130 vs. Cent. Fla in 2002). Yah Walter!
Mr. Reyes enjoyed ponies and strwberry shortcake as a child, then went to a Cleveland Browns game and became a manchild in the backfield. He taught is cousin, Mo Clarrett, everything about the RB position. Walter Reyes is bigger than Ruben Studdard. He is our American Idol today.
Wears same number as former Orangemen great Larry Czonka. He's made the Zonk proud today, that's fo' sho'! 5 TDs!!!! Get that man a beer, now!