You assume that Powe is actually worth a crap. Lets see how he does with some actual competition before putting him in the NFL.
I watched him play in HS and if he is still in shape, he is the real deal. He totally dominated the offensive line in that game and took Gulfport High totally out of their game. He was a very good player, if he is in shape.
Sorry, man, don't mean to pick on you, but you're saying that just because you saw him dominate in high school, he's a virtual lock for the pros??? I saw lots of guys in high school that I thought were good and dominant that never made it past college ball
You mean you admire his team of lawyer's persistance? Who hired those lawyers, and who's paying the bills? Powe like any other non-qualifier, should not be allowed to play a down of College Football until he has High School level core grades & a passing ACT/SAT test, like the rest of the college players in America.
AMEN brother! Some of these recruits feel that it's their god-given right to be accepted to college because they can play football. I sympathize and agree with certain recruits that, say, couldn't ordinarily meet a school's high admissions standards (like making a 28 on their ACT), but giving them a break if they meet NCAA standards (remember, it's STILL the school's decision to admit a recruit based on THEIR standards and NOT simply because they met the minimal NCAA standards). In Powe's case, the fact that he still really hasn't met ANYONE's standards is a sorry story, but filing a lawsuit over it is a joke.
If I had to guess, it's being done pro bono, but that Powe will sign the guy as his agent if and when he turns pro after the season. So it is <wink wink> pro bono.
Latest Powe news from the Clarion Ledger. Go Dawgs! ClaraDawg
Clara's last report was on the 14th of this month- here's the latest...........all I have to say is, "Powe Thang." :hihi: Dude, many kids have the academic gifts and not the talent to play CFB, they don't have the right to sue any more for what they lack in physical ability than you do a right to sue for what you lack on the academic end- I feel for you, but dam........GET A JOB.
How right you are. I can't believe it's coming to that. I mean, at WHAT point will he realize that above all else, Ole Miss (and every other college and/or university for that matter) is an institute for higher learning (at Ole Miss, that statement might be questionable :thumb: ) and not just vocational training for the NFL wanna-be's??? This is ridiculous to file over. :dis: What? Does he think suing everyone is gonna get you where you THINK you deserve to be????