Because is dedicated, in large part, to LSU athletics, I hope the "fans" posting here are sensitive to the various perspectives of LSU's coaches, student-athletes, and recruited prospects. Anyone else see the pattern on Twitter with LSU's former, current, and possibly future student-athletes?
Zimmerman is probably a turd, but the evidence and the law made the verdict quite anti- climatic. You can't be tried for being a turd.
Crazy as it sounds, I really haven't followed much of this case at all. Judging by the reaction of certian people in the media, twitter and what not I can sort of form an opionion of what is what but the question I have is did the Martin kid attack zimmerman? Was there a fight?
The poll is flawed because it doesn't contain the correct answers. Should be Guilty/ Not Guilty. There is no "innocent"
far from a Turd, Zimmerman is probably a much better person than you are. this trial was a joke for the ages,..