Y'all don't forget to cheer on the women's basketball team tonight at 8:30pm on ESPN2 (or better yet, if you're in BR -- go to the game!) :geaux: :lsug: :bball:
I agree...GO TO THE GAME!!! I'm not one to talk I haven't been to a Lady Tigers game this year but I could barely make it to the men's games with my wed night classes. But its still important to support our tigers! Think about it....jammed pack PMAC for NCAA tourney! Who cares if its the ladies or men's, we have a shot at winning the NATIONAL TITLE!!! All I ask is to go out of your way and support the lady tigers by attending this game.
Austin Peay has the funniest and stupidest chant in sports. LET'S GO PEAY! They were saying it a lot last night and it was hilarious.