Now THAT would make me a customer...Do you know how branded they would become in the HiDef TV market by sacking up and putting their money where their mouth is for this one? Geeez... 10 mil a piece for ships to disadvantaged students? No sticky corporate issues, a chance for another 10 mil more? I think it'd be a long shot, of course....if for no other reason than the teams aren't still following an "in season" schedule at this point...but man...the possibilities...
My employer insists upon hearing bad news--IMMEDIATELY...Could your driver bring me to the airport? Thank you for a pleasant evening, and a delicious meal...
As I was scrolling down reading this thread I was about to say that there is NO Way the NCAA would let this happen and then I ran in to TwistedTiger's thread. You want to know whats wrong with college sports in America? Its the NCAA, they have way to much power, thier worse than congress or any other organization.
I have been saying that for years! The NCAA organization is a bunch of old goats whose pastures have paseed them by, or they are the new Mafia.