I just sat in line for a while only to squeeze out almost seven dollars of gas before the computers screwed up. My concern though is the amount of anger directed towards the attendants at these stations. These people are just trying to do their jobs and do not need people yelling and cursing at them over things they may not be able to control. I had scold a man that was old enough to be my dad about this concept. All of our lives are affected but waiting in line to get gas is really isn't all that imp. considering all that is going on. Also if anyone knows of any gas stations in the area that have gas I and others I’m sure would love to know. Please show that Southern Hospitality.
I filled up at the Shell on Nicholson last night, of course that was after a 15 minute wait in line for the pump. I'm not sure about today, I'm trying to drive as little as possible.