Gas grill tip--After Fathers' day and the 4th of July have passed . . . gas grills go on sale. And shop around. Some stores just want to dump whatever is left to make room for Fall merchandise. I got an obscene huge gas grill on the after-July-4th-Sale for $85 bucks!
I have both. I need to replace my propoane grill. Looking into the infrared grills. Anybody know anything about cooking with Infrared?
I have a buddy with one. He loves it. He cooked a frozen solid turkey with it last Thanksgiving in like 2 hours.
I like charcoal, but living in an apartment, it's just easier to cook on gas. My bbq chicken isn't HALF bad, just not as smoke flavored. Huge difference in a gas grill and a microwave. They make the chips you can soak and put in the gas grill for the taste, but I don't know about all that
My uncle has one and loves it. It's great for steaks as the pit gets hotter than the eternal flames of hell (not really but you get the point). Never heard anyone say anything bad about them except for the upfront cost.
Apparently I just jumped right on over that post. I am unfamiliar with infrared. Looks like a job for Google