Trev Alberts just compared Ole Miss to a pig..... He said he grew up on a farm, and he raised pigs. When you raise pigs, in a litter you normally have a runt. With that runt you can do whatever you want with him like feed him extra and treat him better to try and make him as big and good as the others....then he said that's Ole Miss is like a can give them Eli or you can even give them a running game but once a runt, always a runt....
That guy is just like the game day idiots. The other guy with Trev, black guy, was saying the other day the OM would win this game and today it was LSU. The game day crew is constantly looking for someone to beat LSU and give them a USC-OU match. This week it's the hogs. I promise you, that if LSU is fortunate to make it to the SECCG, and is matched in the Sugar against OU, they’ll be saying how Stoops is going to have to put in some fans to hold the score down. Corso, is already favoring the hogs, you can tell by the way he’s talking.