unbelievable, another DP by Zeringue. This team is totally beyond belief. We should be up by 4 runs. Mestepey looks great. At this rate, he will need to pitch a shutout. We're draggin ass right now.
Long Ball Smoke is hoping for doubles or homers to win his games. It happens sometimes, but a lot of the losses this year was because of not "getting something going." Did you just hear it? Another dp! Two today, four in the series, & 70 all season. No outs, a man on first, with the Tigers "history," lay down a SAC bunt, you got one out, but a man on 2nd with a chance for a wild pitch, passed ball, or a something better than a dp. Three innings, we are out-hitting Ga, but the dp ball wipes everything out.
Mestepay looks OK. WTF are you talking about? All 5 LOBs were with 2 outs. What do you want him to do? Bunt? In the last inning, Zeringue was 3-0. I said give him the green light. He takes one belt high then hits into a DP on 3-1 on a low outside pitch. I'm telling you. They need to wait on a pitch in the zone.
And that is the way that it should be. When I worked for Computing Services, viruses and worms were even more rampant due to users being able to do things on their computer they shouldn't have been doing. It was a nightmare.
I see your point, but at the same time I should at least have the option to change the date/time on my clock. I see the need for control, but the controls placed on this machine are insane.
We also need to remember how to run the bases. If your 2nd and the ball is hit the SS you wait for the throw over.
might as well just start up the bus and go home because we obviously do not want to be there. This is the post season and we should be peaking, not limping along. Hopefully the Tigers softball team will play with more urgency and passion.