well its a big chunk of the overall plot. Bran knows as do we thanks to Gilly but that may not become public till midway through the last season.
Apparently Dany wasn't their only chance to escape beyond the wall. They could have sped away in a truck. https://www.yahoo.com/style/fans-spotted-truck-background-apos-121804639.html
Yeah I think he does. Saw an analysis on that but of course thats fan stuff so its hard to say with certainty.
He saw the tower of joy, and he saw Ned take the baby from Lyanna but he doesn't know who the baby is. He and Sam will discover the truth this Sunday together. Sam has pieces of information and Bran has fragments of memories.
Could be. But he might know what she whispered to ned too. He knows a lot more than he's letting on and doesn't say because not all of it i s history.
That scene in Arya's bedroom between Sansa and Arya was intense. I thought she was going to kill Sansa, take her face, and then go to face Cersei. I can no longer really like watching Arya because of that scene. I get it that the two sisters are basically opposites of each other, but why is Arya so quick to think Sansa wanted the fate Ned faced. Her life turned to straight shit as soon as her father died--and Sansa was right, she endured things Arya wouldn't have survived (not that Sansa would've survived Arya's journey, either.) And, yes, I think everyone is waiting (impatiently) for Jon and Dany to get it on and make little dragon babies. My daughter says the only way she could accept Dany dying in the series would be seeing a scene in the afterlife with her being reunited with Khal Drogo and their son.
I think Arya is playing the game. I think she put the pressure on Sansa to draw Littlefinger out. She saw him at the table in Harrenhall plotting the Red Wedding with Tywin, she doesn't trust him, wants him dead and I don't think all that training she has gotten has made her that sloppy. The reason I think this is because Arya could have killed Tywin but she basically went along with being his cupbearer to save her own life. She has to know Sansa was pressured into sending that letter and she also saw her on the podium when Ned was killed. Sansa was pleading with them to spare her father. How can Arya be pissed about that when she essentially did the same thing. Not to mention she handed Sansa the catspaw blade, and what did Sansa do? Run right to LF, and what did that do? Made LF comfortable that his plan is working. At least I hope that is what's going on because Arya looked like a stupid little child if not.
That scene made me dislike Arya, quite honestly. After all that the two sisters have gone through, I guess I wanted a joyful reunion. But it's almost as if Arya was sorry that Sansa was at Winterfell when she arrived.
Think about it like this, if she really is just being like that because she dislikes her sister. 1. Sansa takes Joffrey's side over Arya's and Lady is killed, Nymeria escapes with her life. 2. She sees Sansa on the podium with her father and really doesn't know what happened. 3. She married Tyrion and then a Bolton, 2 families that murdered Starks. 4. She returns to Winterfell in hopes to see Jon as King and Sansa is ruling and has LF at her side. 5. Arya I think was testing her with her comments to see what she would say and Sansa says that Arya should be on her knees. 6. She doesn't defend Jon, Arya sees LF conspiring with the northern lords. 7. The letter, then she goes looking for it in Arya'a room. Could Arya just be testing her? We see in the preseason trailer Sansa say the same thing her father said about the lone wolf and pack surviving. That actually hasn't happened yet in the season and I'm sure it will in this next episode.