Pete Carrol and the rest of the trojans will be screaming this years from now. They simply were dominated by Vince Young and I dont want to hear this tommarow from anyone because Vince Young would have scored on the very next play. wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 34 straight games alll the way back down to 0.:hihi:
Using this logic: I am pretty sure I should have been President of the U.S. at some point in my life. I would have pushed for the return of prayer to the classrooms. I would have Martin as my VP. He would have convinced the people that, "Hey, it doesn't matter. Just do your own thing. It's all magic." And btw, Martin and I want our due salaries started immediately. With the retirement and gratuities.:usaflagwa :lol: