Kentucky doesn't need to leave for the single reason that they are the flagship program in SEC basketball. Tim Couch and the battleship Lorenzen are a couple of other reasons. Vanderbilt I could do without, but we need them because we need to show other conferences that we have some sense of playing by the rules. No one ever questions their moral integrity.
Nobody questions Vandy's moral integrity but they suck at every sport. The ACC has Duke and they suck at almost everything but they are at least a great basketball program. Vandy might not be able to afford to put together a decent football or basketball team but they should at least try to excel at something. Even Rice has managed to field a National Championship baseball team and they don't get anywhere near the amount of money that Vandy leeches off of the SEC. When LSU, Alabama, Auburn, Florida, Georgia, or Tennessee play in a BCS Bowl game for 12 or 13 million dollars Vandy gets an equal share even though they do nothing to contribute to the income. When Kentucky or some other SEC team brings in a few million by going deep into the basketball playoffs Vandy gets their share of that money too. I realize that Vandy will never be able to compete with the rest of the SEC in football and basketball but if they want to keep on sucking the money tit of the SEC they should at least spend something and try to build up a competitive baseball program.
One good contribution that Vandy does make for the SEC is through academics for atheletes. That tends to be over looked by us fans alot of times but it does help the SEC in recruiting good atheletes.