My understanding from the various news reports that the actual furloughs won't come until April 1. Is this accurate? If so there is a month for things to be worked out. Those who are effected which is right?
Why has congress over the past 2 years held everything hostage? I follow politics more now than I did 15 years ago but I can't ever remember a congress being more fucked up than this one.
The entire country is being held hostage but it's not just congress. The white house is making political moves and not moves in the best interest of the people. This whole thing is pretty pathetic.
Why haven't we had a budget under this administration...even when the same party held the Oval Office, Senate, and House for the first two years? The Senate will remain worthless as long as Harry Reid is in charge.
The Congress makes the laws and votes on the budget, not the White House. What are these "political moves"? The problem is polarization between only two political parties. We need a third party badly to end this gridlock.
All I know is that if I'm a republican I'm loving what's going on in Washington, because those nut bags on the far right have pushed the center so damn far to the right that most democrats are center right or centrists. There are only a handful of progressives out there, but the right does such a good job of making centrists look like left wing radicals when that's not the case.
I agree with that for sure. These political moves are running around scaring the shit out of people and timing these releases etc. The releases in themselves aren't a big deal but when your president is trying to scare the American people, it's a little ridiculous. I mean is the world really going to fall apart if we have to cut 85 billion out of a $3+ trillion dollar budget. i just don't see it.
it'll be interesting to see what happens. i hear that during the gov shutdown of 94 some worked for no pay, but congress later gave backpay. my understanding though is that shutdowns are different because money was there but not appropriated.
the way the sequester law is written insures pain. it does not allow for decision-making, everything except VA and SS gets cut equally, and because the cuts are compressed into the remaining 6 months of the FY, the effective cuts are more like 10%.
If these cuts were so terrible, why did Obam sign them in 2011? This is all political maneuvering. The biggest fear of the Democrats in general, and Obama in particular is that the cuts role through, and hardly anybody notices. Then people will see that big bad austerity isn't so scary.