After he was asked about Auburn traveling down the day of the game, and whether it will affect his team or the outcome of the game. I know you guys will still hate him, but you have to admit he has matured as a head coach over the past few years. I am glad to have him...he hasn't done a thing but make me proud over the past 2-3 years.
Tuberville has come a long way. He's still cocky, arrogant, and vengeful, but certainly has better PR advisors. Regardless, the lack of fuss there is comparatively respectable. I fully expect him to be equally gracious in the event of a tough (albeit close) defeat. **** - I'll even light up a monte cristo in dual celebration of the LSU win and the respectable Tubberville comments as to what, ultimately, the loss means, to a tough, forward-looking war-eagle/tiger (since 1979 anyway) squad.
Don't come over here and try to pull a fast one and show Tubbys humanitarian side, we are still kicking your ass on saturday.:thumb:
Well, given the fact that LSU didn't complain a bit over last year's game, being courteous and understanding is the least Tubs could do. Still don't like him, though. There's room enough on the "hated coaches" express for both...though, admittedly, Phat Phill's wide load takes up more room than that of the Tubster.
Around the SEC I doubt you'd be able to find a significant difference on which coach is disliked the most. NOW, around the nation I'd bet it's a landslide with Fulmer being on the losing end. From coast to coast people look at that program with disdain.