fulmer conversation with mike slive

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by houmatiger, Sep 23, 2005.

  1. houmatiger

    houmatiger Freshman

    Dec 30, 2004
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    found at gatorsports.com

    I will not play them in a box.
    I will not play them with a fox.
    I will not play them in a house.
    I will not play them with a mouse.
    I will not play them in the rain.
    I will not play them on a train.
    I will not play them in a flood.
    I will not play them in the mud.
    I will not play them in the dark.
    I will not play them in the park.
    I will not play them here or there.
    I will not play them anywhere.
    Nowhere is safe in a hurricane.

    I would play them in a dream
    On the field of Krispy Kreme
    I will not play them in a swamp
    for fear the gators will once again stomp

    Mike Slive, have you gone insane?
  2. VauntedTiger

    VauntedTiger Founding Member

    Aug 29, 2005
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    good stuff! That Slive knows how to stick a fork in just right

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