I dont believe that. I can and do comprehend the hate that goes on between those three. I dont miss a Finebaum show, because he is gonna rip on the Villians at every chance he gets. His shows dont even have to be about AU and he still finds a way to upgrade them by adding something negative about the Villians. Your right Jeff, that is a very entertaining show.
He is a marketing genius that gets in everybody's crawl... The reason that i say we cant comprehend is that we dont have a rival like that.
Any AU rat bastids in particular you got your scope on? Tell me ... and swear to GOD doing it ... If you were in the woods hunting and had Tuberville in your sights a 400+ yard shot ... crosshairs right between those monstrous ears of his ... you could make the shot and get away clean, no one would ever know ... and you saw him light up a big fat cigar ... ~W~O~U~L~D~ ~Y~O~U~ ~S~Q~U~E~E~Z~E~ ~T~H~E~ ~T~R~I~G~G~E~R~ ???
Only if they had some Villians in line behind him I could drop with one shot. Would'nt waste a single on Tubs, but I'd sit still until some Villians come around him. Tubby, dont do it, you Naaaaaaasty bastit: