I've already written this guy. if you can do so intelligently, i suggest you write him too.
``We have bent over backwards to do everything that we can to make this happen, including going down the day of the game,'' said a clearly agitated Phillip Fulmer, who would prefer this game take place at the end of the season. Well, duh! Phatty Phil thinks his only chance of winning is to play at the end of the season. I don't think whining about every little thing he can think of is "bending over backwards". The writer of this article has obviously been "bending over" for phil. ``Obviously, if they're sending people out of Louisiana,'' Fulmer continued, ``I don't know why we would be going into (Louisiana).'' Quick, someone get this clown a map. People are leaving SW Louisiana. Baton Rouge is SE Louisiana. Remedial geography anyone? I would ask Philly if he would like a little cheese with his whine, but we know he already ate the whole wheel.
What exactly is this guy's argument? There is a bunch of rambling, a nice choice of big words, and absolutely NO concision from any of his points. But, what exactly are his points?
``We have bent over backwards to do everything that we can to make this happen, including going down the day of the game,'' said a clearly agitated Phillip Fulmer, who would prefer this game take place at the end of the season. Hell Fulmer can't even bend over forward. I don't know what he is talking about.