I saw on the news last night that a couple of players that went undrafted signed free agent deals. But it went to fast for me to really look. Does anybody know where to get this infro from.
Here's the free agent signings from an article in the TP this morning: Five other LSU players signed free-agent deals: cornerback Randall Gay and linebacker Eric Alexander with the New England Patriots, safety Adrian Mayes and tight end Eric Edwards with the Arizona Cardinals and offensive tackle Rodney Reed with the Falcons. :geaux:
It's utterly amazing to me that an All-American like Rodney Reed can go undrafted. Good luck to him and all the other Tiger FA's.
Looks to me that the Patriots will be my favorite team simply because they have so many LSU players.....
If Brian Kinchen is still with the team and Eric and Blue make it, New England will have seven LSU players on its team. I can see the headlines now: HILL, GAY AND ALEXANDER GO FROM NATIONAL CHAMPIONS TO SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS !
I think some of the high school stars who are sitting on the fence with LSU may start to believe their future NFL careers will be a lock if they play ball for the Headman and his coaches. I know if I was a HS athlete and I was trying to decide,this draft would help me make LSU my choice..... LSU IS THE DEFENDING(AND ONLY) NATIONAL CHAMPIONS. :lsug:
Nothing for Hunt? Even if he never plays again, he was a very important part of the team last year and earned his stripes for the NATIONAL CHAMPS.