Edit: I was wrong - the information I posted was not of interest. This thread is now dedicated to the discussion of "reputation" points. **MOD EDIT** This thread mistakenly moved to the Roundtable. BB you may repost your original thread if you desire.
I posted it because it pisses me off - the National Sports media gets wind of this type of stuff from local media and bitchy little fan bases. As a fan base, we acted like Auburn fans on this one and now it's not just some poorly written local story...
I have no problem with this....I think RP did open his mouth too much BUT I do believe that Miles has him under control and it was just a freshman-type mistake. He can learn and when he enters camp it will come flying at him.
Thanks guys, just bide your time, spread some love, and come right back to me. I'll be here! :hihi: And this is the last time I'll reply here, so as to not bump the thread again!!!!!!! :thumb: