The welfare system has been shown to be an absolute joke... generation after generation of entire families growing never having to lift a damn finger because the govt gives them hand outs. You people seem to think that we are using money for the tsunami aid that could be used for other purposes - it couldn't. The government doesn't work with a limited budget, they borrow money like nobody's business. I agree that our public school system, our roads and many other domestic problems need to be fixed, but those are all state governement problems. So Fanatic, there is no helping one first or one second. This is two seperate parts of the government and their is no monetary issue from the tsunami aid that stops us from helping fix our own problems. The better economic shape these countries are in, the better economic position it puts us into. It's not only a good PR move, but a smart business move.
They are trained from birth to hate freedom. the muslim religion is filled with hatred. it's not just a "few' elitist. that's what you people are missing. That's what the "politically correct" liberals want you to believe. That's the koolaid they sell you, be tolerate of other people's beliefs. They can't all be evil. The crusaders were right. Islam hasn't changed or progressed in 2000 years, it's a barbaric religion and cannot except freedom or any form of tolerance from their beliefs. What you don't get is this, there aren't any democracy's among the islamic nations. It's not a "few" that hate us. It is their way of life they hate ALL INFIDELS, that means jews, catholics & all christians, Hindu's, Buhdists, etc... it doesn't matter to them how much money you give them, they think we are weak for sharing. Some of you pacifists just don't get it. the reason you only notice a "few" is not by accident, they create ambiguity this way. Look at their indifference. they really don't concern themselves wit the death of Infidels. While they are not ALL combative, make no mistake they are all our enemy. Don't except that? that's ok keep this, year's from now you'll be saying old JS was right. You stick out your hand to help, all they do is take the hand out then bite your hand off. You cant give to these people and then say it's because it might change one or two, one or two are NOT going to change the whole Muslim religion. How many of you have actually been around muslims for any length of time? it has nothing to do with being "prejudiced" agaisnt Muslims, it would be just as wrong if it were eskimo's that worship totem poles. It's who they are, hell Muslims come from asia and the middle east and are everywhere and every skin color. it's the Religion itself that is flawed. it's barbaric, look at how they treat their women. There is NO reason to abide by a LAW that honors someone's religion when that religion is obviously flawed and anti human. You wouldn't ignore charles manson if he had a deviat religion with 3 billion followers would you? Mark my words, one day the Muslims will be strong enough to start a religious war and if we don't figure out who the enemy is we will falter. Maybe they already have. They stick together while we don't. Don't belive me? Ask a Jew. The Muslims love Hamas. The muslims are slowly starting to infilterate China. China and communism are not our biggest enemy. Can you compreshend a Chinese Islam? don't laugh Asians are perfect candidates for Islam. India is being infilterated and assulated by Muslims on every border. and from within. Isreal is an island and is fighting the good fight. Notice the Muslims are NOT picky about who they hate as long as it is other religions. Now dont walk away from this thinking I hate Muslims, they are what they are, they could be Hindu and it would be just as bad. But one day we'll have to come to terms with this. And the bad thing is We've been taught to be overly tolerate. People say this is our heritage that freedom and live and let live is what this country stands for. It is NOT. For when a fanatical group no matter how large or by what guise ( Nazi's? ) rises, make no mistake we cannot respect that. We cannot because the tolerance would kill us all. The blood of soldiers is what makes us free. not the tolerance. Remember that, before you buy into this business of a " few bad muslims terrorists " if it were a few, the rest of them would be fighting with us. How many Saudi soldiers are fighting with us? Turkish? Jordanian? Iranian? Indonesian? point made. quit trying to love the world, it will be the demise of your country and it's children.
You speak of these actions like the world is a big TV set, they don't respond to "PR" that's bull****. most of these people dont have TV's. The media doesn't wield AK's, but those you speak of helping can. Even those who don't would rather see us die, even though we help them, than their own radical brothers in Islam. Their loyalty to their religion is un surpassed. Who cares about PR? No one but the liberals whose agenda is self promoting. They would sell America's national security and freedom as long as they were in power. As far as where the money goes, if it wasn't for those same politicians and pork barrel politics on both sides of the isle, the money would indeed help in areas here. But that's another argument. Whether you use the money for bad or good here, does not justify throwing it up a wild hog's a$$ whish is what you're doing with it over there.
not so brother I am a very happy person, but i am a realist. I am not blinded by propaganda. I'd also like to point out that statement you made is TYPICAL of liberals, when confronted by common sense that differ's from your view. when the solution might require some backbone or bloodshed from future heros, you shy away and call it "angry". you grab the remote and switch it from Fox news to Dr. Phil, to rationalize it all. Were the young men who planted the flag at Iwo Jima also "mad"? I sure hope so because people like you and I live and breath today because of their sacrifice. No don't be angry, no sacrifice is needed. Only the blood of the few permit your opinion. The enemy whoever they may be, love your type. they posture and preen and court you right before you and then you never feel the steel until it's buried in your back. Angry? Nawwww, Watchful? yes. Good day!
I must say this is the first time in my life I've ever been called a Liberal... I suppose I should start removing my College Republicans & GWB stickers. I'm not here saying something shouldn't be done about the pissed off crazed religion known as Muslim. I'm saying that regardless of whether they are Muslim or not, human beings deserve compassion during a natural disaster. And yes, you may be a happy person, but you are very angry about this subject.
Yes Parso, the government doesn't work in order to put the money that is going to Tsunami victims into our own country, but is that to say that IT SHOULDN'T? What we need to do in this country is a restructuring of our nations political system. Do all of you really believe that the best candidates for the presidency where actually elected or for that matter ran for the job in the last 2 decades? Our political system has been twisted and corrupt for so long that Americans have become so used to the hum drum on capital hill. We have always been an elitist society, where the rich control the country, but with the increase in interest groups, and investors in Washington, our politicians no longer work for US. I hope in the next decade, we have a revolutionary presidential candidate, who runs for America and its people first, and the party mechanism and all of the soft money second. I want to see someone come in and say - "Public Schools suck, teachers wages suck, so lets give them a raise, pump 10x the money into the schools and MAKE SURE it is spent on the children"... he would also say "No more free rides on Welfare, instead of living on a government check, people would have a limit of 4 years on welfare, were they would be made to take some kind of vocational training and been given a job"...with the money we save on this we could dump more money into social security while at the same time reducing the amount we all pay until a some time, SS can be abolished and the government could give tax credits and incentives for small and large business' to carry 401K and retirement programs. We would also turn away from the INTERNATIONALIST mantra that we have had for decades, while paying back our debts that we owe. I would also like a candidate to stand up to good ole boy politics and "Fleecing of America" pork barrel by regulating state money more closely and having expenditures watched and PENALIZING those who abuse them. America has gotten so far away from what is was designed to be... instead of for the people and by the people... we have become for the WORLD and for Corporations that pay for us to be elected. I would also, at this stage in the game "suspend" all student visa's to the united states and set in place stringent regulatory organizations who would interview candidates, do background checks through MOSAD and other intelligence agencies and then if they are allowed keep close tabs on them by making them report to a regulatory organization every month... being in America is a privelege not a right. I would also 'suspend' our immigration policy for a while until America can take care of its own... when a better social program is put in place that would adapt foreign immigrants (language, custom, housing, laws) to this country. As you can see I really detest the state of American politics, its the best in the world, but its still lacking in alot of ways.
Kteam, I agree completely. Our political system needs to be fixed, but my comments were reflecting the state of our current political system - your rant is another topic completely. If you want to start a thread on it I'd be more than happy to talk about that on there.
I just get a little carried away sometimes... i just started pouring out when I initially was writing my reply. I just get fed up with anyone who feels that everything the U.S. does whether it is Iraq, Indonesia, Haiti etc... is just (at the expense of American people).
angry? according to you. Angry by your defination would be more accurately defined as concerned about the overall direction of our country's future, by another's definition. I was not calling you specificlly a "liberal" just more the "idea" you represented. Sometimes we "buy into" or drink the koolaid if you will, just because it "seems" the right thingto do. While i agree we should be humanitarian enough to help any people anywhere and rise above the politics, I do not agree we should do it blindly, just for the sake of it being right. Being a good humanitarian only props up your conciense. it doesnt reward you with anything. Giving must be done in silence, for it is written that when you give, do so in silence so that your reward will be in heaven, if not then you have already recieved your reward in the praises of men. It is written there will alawys be wars and rumors of wars. Natural disasters will always be among us. You cannot choose who dies and who lives by your contribution. It is noble to help the weak, but to help the weak and later our children suffer at the hands of the same group is not very smart. The law of self preservation should be in the mix here somewhere. Better to help those that can best turn around and help others not harm others. If a pack of wolves were injured and you felt it noble to help a few survive, would you be insulted if at some later point the few you helped out stood aside as other wolves ravished your kids? does this analogy shock you? It's accurate. Would you have helped them in the first place had you known where their loyalties lay? After all they needed help and you expect nothing in return. There isn't anything "angry" about this, I am trying to elude to your common sense and self preservation here. there is nothing "angry" about wanting to see your kids grow up free in the same manner we did. No anger in wanting a society that espouses the rights of all and respects women and children. if this is anger to you then yes in your sense of the word maybe so.