For those new students who have been asking, LSU just sent out this email regarding 2005 student tickets.
I'm in the clear, but I wonder if my girlfriend is. She is just starting Grad School this fall. It said something about having to be enrolled in Spring?
Is that date for incoming Freshman for season tickets? Or individual? I'm kinda lost... Please explain
Monday, August 8 Sunday, August 15 (if available) That is the date range that counts for you (assuming you are a freshman). Sign up on the tickets section of I recommend you sign up quickly. They ran out of tickets before I could get any last season, as a freshman :angryfire
You cannot order individual tickets for home games.. Only season... And if you start at midnight... you are gonna be at your computer for about 10 hours..... Last year, as an incoming freshman, I got up at 9:50... got on the computer, started trying at 10, got it about 10:10, and went to bed.... Later that day I found out that all my friends had been trying for like 6 hours... I laughed my ass off at that thought.
I'm with you. And thank god I managed to get season tickets my freshman year, the National Championship season.
sucks man my GPA is too low. Guess thats what I get for going into chem eng. CGI disregard what I said about being able to get you tickets. I had 4 sets lined up but now that they have your name and a certain barcode at the bottom I'm screwed myself. Just a little hint for those that don't get tickets the easiest thing to do is walk around and find a ticket for the North endzone then go in and just walk over to the student section. Its more expensive but worth it.