I don't think Lafitte is really suggesting replacing Smoke and if that is not the post that you are referring to point me to the one in this thread that does because I missed it. I think this started off as a Bianco bashing thread, imagine that. :dis: :dis: :dis: :hihi: :hihi:
The Philosophy of Replacing a Coach It's really just a topic of interest to sports fans. The inspiration of the thread and post was the Ole Miss thread on their sports board in which some of their fans voiced concern that Bianco might not be able to cut the mustard as Ole Missy's coach. Great job on sweeping the regional. I missed it all because I was training in the field for the last 4 days with my new unit. I'm quite tired and a little disappointed that I didn't get to run anybody through with my sabre or bayonet.
a lotta replacement speak here. just seems we win and we should be enjoying that and not discussing new coaches. seems odd to me.
Jeez, Jean, that's a really stupid comment. F*** 5 years from now. Let's see where we are NOW ? We are awaiting a Super Regional opponent after sweeping our own regional. We are 2 wins away from the CWS. Only 3 teams will have made the Super Regional 5 times (counting next week) every year of it's existence: Miami, Florida State and LSU. And who was our coach for the last 3 of them? Christ!!WTF do some of you people want?
Look, chill out. LSU should not have lost any games this season. This is a disgrace. How a team that lost a few games during the regular season is able to do well now in the postseason is beyond my comprehension. Pure luck I tell ya, luck. It's like a ship sailing safely through rough seas with a drunk captain!
I hear you 'freak. I came on here expecting some kudos for Smoke and the team and it's the same old crap. Suddenly, this team could have gotten it's own regional with Woody Allen as coach. I swear, I almost blew a gasket when I read that post. Absolutely incredible. And from a poster who normally shows a little common sense.
Smoke when we win? Players when we lose? I'm not in the mood to play footsie with you or Spurtsfreak, so I'll just tell it like it is. You two are hard on people around here, so I see no reason to kiss butt just to get along with you, or your buddy Spurtfreak. Our team is loaded with talent, and it is no surprise that we made it to a regional. So what if I say that we would have made it to a regional with Woody Allen as coach? I made an exaggerated comment just to highlight the talent that I think the team has. I don't care what you and your buddy Spurtfreak think about my comment. We've done an outstanding job by winning the regional, and both Smoke and the players share all the credit. Woody Allen could get us to the regional, but I don't know whether he could have won it. We are all LSU Tiger fans here. I'm a little tired of the dictatorship of LSU Spurtfreak, and Sabanfan, however. Both of you think that you are better than everybody else around here, and the Superiority Complex that you share gets tiresome. It's time I cut you both down to size with my trusty rapier. Shall we duel now or after the season? I'll take you both on with one hand tied behind my back.