Tuscaloosa on November 3rd, you will need to keep in touch. I want to get down and party (oh and have some awesome cajun food) with you guys! Everyone here says that the LSU faithful is going to be rowdy and not a lot of fun this year due to the whole Saban thing...I'm sure there will be those few, but I want some great REAL cajun food to go with my Bud Light this year. I recently moved to Birmingham with a job promotion and I work every Saturday. I've taken my vacation that week and a personal day for November 24th to travel to Auburn. It's the only 2 games I can take off for and I have season tickets for every game--home and away. It sucks but I've got to pay the bills. I dont see either of those games as a win really, although I think that both will be a fight. The differences of our conditioning from this year and last will help...The offense should be better in the red zone...but the defense will be a little suspect. Should be a better season than last anyways. I'm just ready for some football! I've got my DVR box cleared out...I've got my game face on...All I need is my Keith Brown jersey! :lol: Good luck this year Tigers! Save me a seat on the tailgate come Nov. 3rd!
I've never been to an away game but that's one I'd love to go on and have a couple of friends going and might end up making the trip....longshot though.
I had a ticket available to me, and I can't go.o: The guy offering the seat promised to hold me a seat for the next time we play there...but I doubt it will be the same. I loves me some redfishin'!
Me either...The Iron Bowl will be my first. I'm excited but at the same time it is an away game... Ive been to plenty of Basketball away games and they suck when you lose. Long drive home...But it's worth it to go because IF we do in fact beat Auburn, it would be one of the greatest moments of my life to yell Rammer Jammer at the top of my lungs inside JHS... :thumb:
Keith Brown jersey, eh? Do you fake injuries as well? Bet ya it'll be your last time in West Opelika.
I've liked KB ever since his first snap. Maybe because I know that the talent is there. I just wish that he'd use it. He could be our best reciever. He's also the fastest of all of them.
wtf? road games are the best.. i try to make a few each year. I highly recommend the swamp and the jungle. tuscaloosa is great if you like a carnival type atmosphere. rednecks on each corner selling airbrush bama shirts and cotton candy.
Light Beer.... might as well drink ice-water. Just pick something up in the frozen section of your local grocery store and microwave it. Better idea would be to tote some Sierra Nevada Pale Ale along with you, or at minimum, some other quality Pale Ale. You want to compliment the spice, not dilute it.
I just cant bring myself to try too many new beers. Mainly because I dont want to spend money for a sixer and hate it. :lol: I like Bud heavies but I cant drink too many of them or I will feel like I just ate a 20 oz porterhouse with mashed patatoes and gravy... Never had an Ale beer either. Maybe I should try one?