Could not make it thru the first minute. But one observation, that guy sure does not avoid the chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.
I admit that the video is dry and that guy does look like he eats a few too many Triple bypass burgers. Well, the big shocker was that from Edam and Eve...all the way through Noah, people were vegetarians (according to strict interpretation of Scripture). The vegetarian world promptly became so wicked that God had to destroy it and start over with Noah and his family...whom he gave permission to kill animals and eat meat. So much for animal rights and the purity of being a vegan. Next time the animal rights activists cry for the abolition of hunting....Smack them on the side of the head with a bible. (Incidentally, capital punishment also became part of this covenant.)
Hey guys...those anti hunting radical vegetarians are really out there and actively trying to force their will on the majority. It's part of Political Correctness...they're effective. Why do you think that Obama shut down the oil field? He's cow towing to the radical environmentalists of which the militant vegans and animal rights activists are a significant part. I posted that video to show that they have little moral ground to stand on.
Here's a link to an article about eco terrorism from the website of the Jewish Anti Defamation league... Ecoterrorism: Extremism in the Animal Rights and Environmentalist Movements During the past two decades, radical environmental and animal rights groups have claimed responsibility for hundreds of crimes and acts of terrorism, including arson, bombings, vandalism and harassment, causing more than $100 million in damage. While some activists have been captured, ecoterror cells - small and loosely affiliated - are extremely difficult to identify and most attacks remain unsolved. Although it has been overshadowed by Islamic terrorist threats since September 11, ecoterrorism remains one of the country's most active terrorist movements.
Animals are not persons...they do not possess rights. Humans are persons and as such have a moral responsibility of stewardship and prevent unnecessary cruelty. Individual animals have no separate moral identity. A pig is a representative of the family of pigs...and human stewardship should be applied to the class of pigs and not just the individual pig. Therefore the use of individual animals is acceptable. Bacon is OK as long as the species is not threatened with extinction.
When I was managing the first Redfish farm in the USA in Barataria bay, Greenpeace was planning to disrupt the Grand Isle Tarpon rodeo by racing boats around the fishermen. They even met with the sheriff of Lafourche Parish who told them that he couldn't stop them from boating but he wasn't about to assure them of protection and that the marsh was so big that he probably wouldn't find their bodies much less evidince of who shot them. The protest never materialized.
No offense steve but I don't open most vids so I'm dam sure not opening one that equates Christians to vegetarians.
You don't have to open it. I just said that the video says not least not after the flood. It's an animal rights topic-not a religious one.