I was in Nam but was disillusioned with the war. We didnt seem to want to win it. Thought we should win it or get the hell out of there. Saw kids spitting on returning soldiers was disguted by that which turned me against the hippie anti war protest. In college was apolitical but thought I was a democrat until I joined the Sierra Club. Realized those people were all marxist. Voted for Carter because he was a southerner still thinking there wasnt that much difference between the parties. I realized later that Carter wasnt much different than those assholes in the Sierra Club. Carter destroyed the American economy was weak on foriegn policy and a horrible president in general. Realized there really was a difference in the 2 political parties. From then to now I have watched the democratic party morph into a scary leftist anti constitutional cetralized all power government political party. I only vote republican now because thats the only party with conservatives in it, the democrats dont have any. End of story
To be clear I didn’t vote for HRC or Trump or Gary Johnson. If she had been elected it would be different but not better. I agree that she Obama and the progressive DS are in many ways much worse especially in the long run. However I couldn’t compromise my principles and vote for someone I believe unfit for office....any office. I know you don’t agree but I think he is morally, temperamentally and mentally unfit. He appeals to our worse nature and tries to divide for his own selfish needs. He sees life as a zero sum game in which he has to win and everyone else lose. That is as destructive as any socialist program.
Everything from "I know you don't agree" down is pure nonsense. Everything you accuse him of is what Obama, Hillary and frankly all democrats do. Democrats divide us by race, gender, religion, political beliefs and class. Your "he sees life as a zero sum game" is what bothers me the most. So you want us to win or lose or comprimise with NOKO, Iran, Isis, Al Queda? I want a zero sum game there. Is his economy a zero sum game? Everyone is benefitting. Would expound on all my point but you are hopeless and either fooled or just blissfully ignorant about Trump and they democrats.
You’re right the democrats do that exactly and that’s why I’m mystified that you accept it from Trump (a democrat in sheep’s clothing). The whole nativist, protectionist schtick is disgusting and antithetical to classic conservative thought. It’s antithetical to what has made the US the most successful and greatest country ever. Trump is undermining the foundation of the post WWII prosperity in a different way but as badly as what Obama did. Our allies are pissed at us and think we’re uncertain and not reliable. Our enemies, Putin especially and the Chinese are laughing and taking advantage of Trump’s naivety.
Risky move that. Look at what we got after Nixon....Carter, after W.....Obama. Right now it’s setting up for a Gavin Newsome or worse in 2020. Trump’s failures and Republican cravenness will put the democrats in power and we’ll be well and truly screwed.
Just a little question; The guy who made the video that supposedly caused the Bengazi attack is still in jail, WHY? That was proven wrong so any answers?