You too can rape a young Cambodian boy 5 times. U.S. Pedophiles Nabbed in Cambodia Sex-Tourist Sting - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - Why commence with a long drawn out trial? Let's put these people 6 feet in the ground NOW.
i would hather have 2$, a bag of rice, and 30 minutes of toying with a western dong than starve to death. i would be the rice havingest mofo in the village.
Memo: No one is blaming the kid, Martin. Hopefully your colorful message is not a way to diminish culpability of the pervs. You know, in the same way that you say blacks cant complain about anything in the US because otherwise theyd still be swinging from trees in Africa.
i know dude, i blame the lack of free market secular capitalism. it is poor economic policy that creates these situations. if my global free trade policies were enacted, it would fix this. well, to be fair, blacks shouldnt really be complaining about anything. and my point was that the greatest thing that ever happened to american blacks was that their ancestors were brought here where white folks have abolished slavery. in africa, blacks still enslave each other like madmen. there are more slaves on earth now than ever before. but not in america, where heroic freedom loving whites let blacks run free. but that is for another thread.
perhaps we do. if so they are almost certainly eastern european or asian and held by immigrants. real Americans, and by that i mean WASPs like myself, dont play that. anyways, this seems unique. americans go overseas, commit crimes agaisnt foreigners, and then are prosecuted here, without facing their accusers and without dealing with local (foreign) law enforcement. odd that the american criminal justice is protecting the rights of non-citizens.
I would like to see the death penalty for child molesters. They are almost always repeat offenders, graduating to worse crimes and have no redeemable qualities.
I can really only see the death penalty for murder. But child molesters should get extremely long sentences including life without parole. This putting them back into the neighborhood and just sending out postcards has to go.