So now that Flutie is in NE, what will become of Rohan? Seems to me that Flutie's going to be ahead of Ro on the depth chart. Any thoughts?
NE simply sees the writing on the wall.. Rohan is gone after this year.. someone will give him at least a chance to try to win a starting spot.
that doesn't exactly make sense, since they signed Flutie to a one year deal. I imagine they'll continue to develop Rohan and have him and Flutie compete for #2.
When you have a superbowl team that relies on a steady offense, and a strong defense to win games, you dont bring in an untested player at qb, you bring in a veteran who will make fewer mistakes. Flutie will be #2. As for his one year contract, it is the age of the mercenary qb.. all these vets like Flute float around from team to team as insurance policies.
Hey maybe once Brooks laughs himself to death after throwing a game losing interception and Mcpherson gets arrested for trying to place a bet at the horse track with a stolen check, the saints could pick up Rohan and bring him to the dome to play.
Man, are you that mad at Rohan that you wish career suicide on him :grin: :grin: Pack your bags Ro and go home to Florida to play for the Fins.
see.. you become successful by LEAVING new orleans, not coming back... tygertail.. nice picture.. say hello to Frank...
a strange noticeable pattern in the NFL... you leave new orleans, you miraculously become a pro-bowler...
I wouldnt be suprised if Saban would try and make a trade for him, especially now that they have signed Flutie. How many years does Rohan have on his contract??