let's get a running poll on what the gators will wear in Death Valley on Oct 11: 1. Traditional blue jerseys with white pants 2. Blue jerseys with blue pants (the "popsicle look") 3. Blue jerseys with orange pants (retro look) 4. Orange jerseys with orange pants (the "carrot look") 5. Orange jerseys with white pants 6. Something we never have seen before I heard Zook consults with the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy guys every Friday before the game, so there is no telling what we are likely to see come gameday.
I would look for Florida to go with orange/blue/orange. That to me is their best look. I also like orange/blue/white. The only time I've seen orange jerseys is in old Emmitt Smith highlights. Bring back the all-orange Gators!
bad news...no orange jersey sighting likely Oct 11. on an internet chat dated April 22, 2002, the Zookster was asked if the old orange jersey would be making a comeback, and his response was no. he later said Florida has the best uniforms in college football. No wonder why the gator faithful love him so much!