I did not go to any away games last years and I am going this year; How do Auburn fans act? I got a friend that goes to Auburn and I know supposedly LSu fans terroize there fans. I also heard that we have no class, so i was just wandering how Auburn fans treat LSU fans?
Very good question, indeed. This will be my first trek to the plains as well. I'm a bit apprehensive as to how they will react to me.
I think you might be pleasantly surprised. Everyone wants to have a good time. They will want to drink and tailgate. Act friendly and you'll be treated to the same behavior.
I agree. Auburn fans treat LSU fans like LSU fans treat Auburn fans. If you go on a road trip and act like an arse at their house than expect to be treated like crap. If you go with thick skin and just take it in stride than everything is fine. Last time I went to Auburn I sat among Auburn fans. There was one guy trying to give me a hard time and I took it with a grain of salt. However, his date keep tapping me on the shoulder saying she was sorry for the way he was acting. I told her it was ok; I would do the same to him in Tiger Stadium. But she kept tapping me on the shoulder which I found more annoying than the Auburn fan trying to give me a hard time. GEAUX TIGERS AND KICK THE SH$T OUT OF AUBURN. LSU 31 - COOKED CHICKENS 7 LSUDAN
most are pretty friendly like anywhere else. Have quite a few 'country' people so to speak...not like the cajuns here... they were more like, umm whats the word.. More like hillbillies than rednecks. All in all we had a pretty decent time, though the place really is in the middle of nowhere and not much to it. was raining entire game last time and we sat right in the middle of em. Wasnt bad at all... They really didnt even concern themselves with us.
The only year I ever had any trouble at Auburn was in 2002. Before that everything was always fine. Even then, there was only one ugly incident when a drive-by throwing of a long-neck beer bottle at us happened. Most folks just said "Welcome to Auburn".
Whatever treatment I notice LSU fans get, the favor gets returned....................always. Good or bad
BEEN TO AUBURN 4 TIMES never had a problem with any of the fans.all were very nice and had class.very nice campus.go get some lemonade at toommers drug store for me.dont forget the purple and gold toilet paper!for toomers corner. :geaux:
Been there once in 2002 and I hate to say it but we were treated pretty rudely. I've heard from everyone that they are some good fans but the 15 or so that we really got to meet that day were anything but hospitable. They were what you call white trash.