ESPN says Wannstedt will resign today. So far I have seen rumors that Spurrier, Saban and <gulp!> Tubberville will get the job. I have even seen a rumor that has Saban to the Dolphins and Spurrier to LSU. This should be fun......... On a side note, let's start one that has Wannstedt to the Saints as DC. Why not, right? In the rumor world, anything is possible! :grin:
Has a season gone by that someone hasn't brought up the 'Saban to coach <insert team here>' rumors? If Saban joked last year that he would rather coach college kids rather than the children in the NFL, how do you suppose he would handle the likes of Ricky 'Ganja man' Williams?
I agree with you guys. I like the current situation of the SEC. Tell me this, who does LSU lose after this year? The quarterback play next year can only go up. I guess what I am getting at is Nick Saban has endured most of the offensive growing pains and next year could be very rewarding for him, correct? If anything, I think Spurrier goes to the Dolphins.
i would become head coach of LSU before spurrier would. or did you forget in 1989 that spurrier was sitting in mike anderson's restaurant waiting for joe dean to show up to talk about spurrier being LSU head coach. guess what, joe dean didn't even show up. so in the rumor world there is only one exception, and that is spurrier coaching at LSU.
LSU loses Randall, Wilkerson, Webster, Travis Daniels, Lionel Turner and Marcus Spears. Those are the only seniors on the team who really play. At the beginning of the year we were worried we would lose some other juniors like Whitworth but our Oline has not been good this year so I would expect the underclassmen to stay. Next year we will be loaded again and the schedule will be nice to us with our hard games at home.
I know Shyrone and Ronnie Prude were given a x-tra year hadn't heard anything about Travis. Both Shy and Ronnie are listed as juniors whereas Travis is listed as a senior. Hope your source is right though.
Daniels' eligibility is up this year. If you remember, he was suppose to redshirt in 2001, but in the SECCG, an injury forced Saban to play him.
I saw the "Saban to Miami and SOS to LSU" rumor on Swamp Gas the other day. Funny thing is, several there seemed to think it a legitimate possiblilty and were worried that Spurrier would rule for another decade. Just goes to show that some people will believe anything.
Quote from today "BATON ROUGE -- Due to unsubstantiated rumors that have linked LSU coach Nick Saban to a head coaching position in the NFL, Saban made the following statement on Tuesday: "I'm happy with the job that I have at LSU and I'm not interested in doing anything else. I'm happy here and my family is happy here. I don't know anything about any other jobs.." He may leave in the future but I think he likes the direction the program is heading and what the next few years may bring.