I am the biggest fan of XM radio but have always been frustrated with the fact that they have the ACC, Big Ten, and Pac 10 but no SEC. I am now in San Antonio but lived in DC until last summer so I have been out of AM radio range for a while. There is nothing worse than being out running errands while the Tigers are playing (obviously I'm talking about non-televised games) and knowing there is some crappy Texas or (worse) USC game on XM live but I can only hope to hear an update on our game via ESPN radio. :angryfire o: Anyway, let's all hope this makes it through. http://www.djournal.com/pages/story.asp?ID=235956&pub=1&div=Sports
I have had Sirus for two years and love it mainly for all the college sports coverage and talk shows.
The main reason i got sirius...when i moved to S.C. three years ago i got it so i wouldnt miss any football game. Now i cant wait to get in my car in the morning and listen to Howard...then get to work and stream it at my desk.
Great. I want XM primarily because of its music program. But to get SEC thrown in would be really terrific.
I love my XM radio, the only thing find it to be lacking is SEC programming. Once that gets added, I will have no complaints.
Driving home from LSU away games I want to listen to my Saints games. Can I do that with XM? No. Sirius. Yes.
I got XM because I am a Nascar fan, and I'm on the road a lot. Now Nascar has moved to Sirius, and I'm thinking, great, I'll get Sirius and have Nascar and SEC. Now you're telling me XM is getting SEC? That's what I hate about these satellite radio systems. I wish I could just choose what programming I want.