My friend marcnbc and I have had numerous discussions over the years about wishing to see the Tigers totally demolish a top tier team. Just skull drag a big name school on a big time stage much like USC mauled Oklahoma in the NC game last year. Well, finally our wish came true. Watching LSU destroy Miami's will to compete was sheer and utter satisfaction for me. I, like many others vividly remember the Miami Thug U days, where the Canes backed up all the trash talk and off-and-on field shenanigans by crushing teams and winning championships. So, for LSU to go out and totally annihilate the 'Canes on a national stage and causing a massive fallout in Miami program is thoroughly refreshing. I've been critical of Rece Davis on ESPN but I think he, Lou Holtz and Mark May hit the nail on the head. All three said that this crushing win by LSU would have long lasting positive effects on the Tigers' program and detrimental effects on the Miami program. While the future will decide whether or not this is true, the effects on the Miami program were immediate with the firing of four assistants and the declaration for the NFL by Devin Hester. Hopefully, the positive effects will show up in recruiting. For me, this ranks in my all-time Top 5 LSU football moments. LSU! :geauxtige
The ESPN guys seemed to be very complimentary of Flynn before the game. I think it was May who said he was really high on him. It is a great day when ESPN isn't blowing UMFla. The winds have shifted.
We came very close to pulverising the Sooners in the Sugar Bowl two years back. A mystery penalty on a 3rd QTR FG attempt and Matt Mauck missing a wide open Devery on an interception kept us from an early 4th QTR 31-7 lead. We still dominated that game for the most part, but a bigger margin might have kept some of the ESPN wagging tongues from coronating USC that year. On second thought, no it wouldn't. A mind is a terrible thing to close. No matter! the Crystal Ball lives in Baton rouge!