Since things are slow, thought I'd try to get a little storytelling going. What are some of your favorite Tiger Stadium moments. I don't mean standard stuff like the Eartrhquake game, I mean more obscure moments. Doesn't even have to be game related. A few of my favorites/best: - We were playing Bama (when they had Zow) and the Tide were driving and had momentum. During a break in the action, two students ran onto the field and up to the Bama huddle. They proceeded to moon the Tide, and then raced back into the safe confines of the student section. I don't know if they got caught, but it was a game-changing moment as the Tide drive stalled and we went on to win the game. - The time I lost my student ticket for a game and used a ticket from a previous game to get into the stadium. - Another game, I cant remember which, and my buddy was getting tossed from the student section for throwing a cup. I tried to argue with security, and they tossed me too. When they walked us into the concourse, there were like four cops there to escort us out. We tried to duck by running into the restroom but they got us. When they brought us back into the concourse, I told them I left my jacket as was not leaving without it. I took off back towards the student section and my buddy scrambled the other way. All the law chose to follow me, and they tackled me as soon as I got close to where my seat was. In the melee, I began shouting, "All I want is my jacket!" The whole section around me started chanting, "JACK-ET, JACK-ET" The cops let me get my jacket and escorted me out, where I promptly bought another student ticket for like 2 dollars, and made my way back in. You gotta love the student section!
Best moment ever was during the '03 Georgia game. UGA had just scored on a 93 yard SCREEN PASS to tie the game. In years past, that would have deflated the crowd. But not that day. Almost immediately after he crossed the goal line, the entire stadium seemed to get p!$$ed in unison. Chants of "LSU LSU LSU LSU" were almost deafening. I looked over at my dad who was just taking it all in with this shocked look on his face. Then Devery returned the ensuing kickoff to midfield almost as if the crowd gave him a little extra umph. The crowd exploded again. Of course everyone knows what happened next. Mauck hit Skyler for the go ahead TD. Then with Georgia driving, Corey Webster tipped the ball to himself to secure the win. The crowd carried on for sometime after the game. While watching Nick salute the student section for a job well done, I remember telling my dad that something special was happening. That wa the moment I truly began to fell like that was our year.
#1 My dad brought me to see the tigers play Oregon when I was like 8. #2 and #3 When I brought each of my sons to their first games in TS. The other days in the student section in 1986 as a freshman, Hodson was the man.(Please refrain from any "old man" comments)
My first game was also against A&M ('86). We won 35-17. I remember it well. I was only 8, but I even remeber the way the smell of cigars coming from the chain smoker 3 rows down from us. Some guy sitting next to us talked me into eating a jalopena(sp?) pepper that night. I was also at the Earthquake gaem, the Florida game in '97, the Tennessee game Nick's first season, the Bama game that same year. Something else I'l always remember. I think it was during the Hallman years, but there was a beachball making its way around the stadium. One of the usher/gaurd or whoever caught it and was taking it under neath. The sparsely populated stadium rang out with a chorus of boos. When the guard threw it back up, the crowd cheered excitetly. The ball proceeded to make its way around the bowl some more pausing every now and then when it would fall below, which would bring back the boo birds, only for someone to toss it back up, which brought the cheers again. That damn ball circled the stadium at least one full run and a little more before it died. Since this was during Curley's tenure that was about the loudest the Valley got that season.
My uncle went to an LSU basketball game and died of a heart attack during the game. The entire basketball team, including Pistol Pete, went to the funeral.
Wow. That must have been something special. It's nice to know our beloved Tigers realize what's important, and took time out to attend. That may be one of the most touching gestures I've ever heard of a team doing.
One of my favorite games was the Auburn game in 03. The stadium was so loud before the game I thought there was no way we could keep it up. We did. I have never been to a louder game. It was so loud Auburn could not field a punt. It seems like they fumbled, muffed, and lost composure on every kick. They couldn't convert a 4th and 1 either. Man that was a beautiful game. As far as an obscure moment goes, I will never forget this one. I was in the student section, an older guy (I graduated in 86), for some obscure game a few years ago. It was one of those 48 - 3 games. But every now and then I would drive from N.O. last minute and go to the game by myself, leaving my wife and young son alone. I loved those drives back to New Orleans, listening to the AM radio call in show about the game. (Sorry I got off track, Katrina put me in Denver and it is hard sometimes). Anyway, it was the end of a wet game and I was all alone, literally, there was no one in my section but me. A couple of cute, sweet young coeds must have noticed me sitting way above them and their boyfriends. They came up and sat on each side of me and just starting talking to me for a little while. I guess they thought I could use the company. I will never forget that. Man I love LSU.