I was only about 5 yrs old but can recall a friend telling me his favorite number was 5 and realizing I had never considered a favorite number. I thought about it a little and said 2 so that was it for awhile. As a junior in HS, I made varsity on our basketball team and was given #21. That was the number of our best player from the year before and he was a really cool guy (even though he used to always dunk on me in practice). I also realized that was the number of my all-time sports hero, Dalton Hilliard (for both Tigers & Saints). It's also the legal age to drink, one of the few casino games I know how to play (blackjack), and a cool default basketball game for any number of people. Not sure if most people have a favorite number or if I'm special in a short bus or rain man kind of way.
If you keep posting questions like this, it will start to resemble one of those little "scrap books" the chicks used to pass around in elementary school LOL
Not sure if I remember those. About a week before I started at LSU, one of the waitresses at my HS job mentioned that her freshman year of college was foggy and wished she could remember all the fun she had. I decided to start a journal for my LSU years and it was filled with half baked thoughts and recaps of keg parties. When I got my first real job in 2001, this site replaced that journal as an outlet for those kind of thoughts.
I mostly use Twitter for following others and organizing news but don't tweet. I don't say much on facebook either, just offer congrats to friends/family on big events or additions to their families.