Then don't watch Fox News. The more you watch, the more you'll get things wrong. But KKKarl says it's true....!
Re: Re: Re: Fact-Free Fox News..... [Quote by LSUBud] The two main newspapers in Louisiana, The Advocate and the T-P are both LEFT wing newspapers and both are very soft on questioning THE KLINTONS for example. [/B][/QUOTE] As I was saying, as conservative as The Advocate and T-P are, they are not kooky enough for the right wing kooks and former David Duke voters.
I don't know if the Advocate endorsed any candidates in this election but they have endorsed candidates in the past. Since the Advocate carries the editorial syndicated columns of almost every side of the political spectrum from Molly Irvins to George Will maybe they are trying to be Fair and Balanced.
The Advocate is owned by the Manship family which is conservative Republican. I get it every day and it is clear that it is slanted toward the Republican Party. If bad news comes for Bush, they often bury it on a back page, when it is headline news everywhere else. The editorials in The Advocate are mostly pro-Republican and right wing. As it is a lot of right wing nuts don't think it is right wing enough. The "liberal press" is a myth, anyway. Most newspapers are conservative, and supposed "liberal" news outlets like CNN are corporate driven and are basically conservative. The free pass CNN gave Bush on going to war with Iraq tells one what a conservative organization it is. Of course the "right wing" has moved well beyond simple conservatism. They are extremists and have contempt for even old fashioned conservatives. Fox, talk radio and other outlets are the new propaganda outlets for right wing extremism.
I get my news from 2 sources. The National Enquirer...and Sir Biggles! Whether its Rush Limbo or Bill Clinton, the Enquirer consistently beats the right-wing media (Newsweek, Fox News, NY Times, National Review, CNN or The Sports Reports with Mike Lupica on ESPN) when it comes to breaking REAL news stories. And when it comes to political intrigue, Sir Biggles has his perch in the hedges that the infamous TNT can only dream of!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Fact-Free Fox News..... You know, your David Duke references are starting to piss me off. Anyone with the entry fee can run for office so the fact that a klansman ran doesn't mean we are a bunch of hooded cross burners. Sure he got a few votes but what was the other choice? An admitted crook, now convicted? You're pretty high up on that horse big guy but I'll bet your closet is locked.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fact-Free Fox News..... Careful, SabanFan. CottonForBrainsIQ6.6 just might call you a Nazi-KKK sympathizer. Are you prepared to live with that?