I got bored. That's really all there is to it. I just figured instead of a mundane swapping of pictures, I would give Peanut the respect he's due:grin:
I love America and don't want it to become a European nation. The comment "Hope is not a strategy" means you need a plan and the ability to execute it. Hope & Change is just a gimmick and is hollow. Lack of experience and credibility can't be overcome simply by hope. It should be your last option...NOT your first.
The captain of our chartered sail boat when we went to the UW game in Seattle. We all though he looked like Blue from Old School.
Before I became a chef, I studied at LSU Dental School for four years. In my third year, I was involved in a terrible car wreck in which the van I was driving spun around in circles and then flipped over on the driver's side. My hand was out the window and got smashed up to "smithereens" I had major surgery and, in short order, I was out of Dental School. My avatar is a visual testament and reminder to me of how dramatically my life changed in an instant. I'm kind of glad it did because without the accident, I never would have met my wife and I never would have had the wonderful children that I have. :thumb: I would have been a he!! of a lot richer though !!!!! :hihi:.
I have this recurring dream that makes me wake up in a cold sweat every time. I don't want to go into details because it's too embarrassing. All I'll say is that it has to do with a treehouse....and Nancy Pelosi chasing me around in a gorilla costume. .