Has anyone been a part of this? I got home from voting and no more than an hour passed before my phone rang. The caller ID said Political Call, I answered they just asked if I had voted yet and if I would tell them who I voted for. I did, and they said thanks, and hung up. Is this part of an exit poll? I guess I always assumed these were done live as folks "exited" the polling areas??
A guy claiming to work for the Times Picayune tried to ask people waiting in line if they would discuss their voting experience. After receiving a few "I'd rather not" comments, he reached me. I said "Let me ask you a question." and proceeded to ask why his newspaper felt compelled to endorse candidates. He said it wasn't his decision but a lot of people have been asking the same question. I then told him it cost them my subscription and therefore I wasn't going to answer his questions. After several additional rejections he gave up and departed. The media has lost all respect this year. I may never watch ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or MSNBC ever again. I never really listened much to talk radio but plan on switching to that format. If the Democrats want to take away that right, they'll have one hell of a fight on their hands.
You're afraid that the Democrats will take away your right to listen to talk radio? Get a grip... really.
Look up the Fairness Doctrine. They've tried it twice before, why not try again. Talk radio and Fox News are the only media that the liberals don't have in their back pocket. The Democrats would love to silence them. If they weren't having an impact then Obama, Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, and many others wouldn't have referred to them so often during this election. On June 24, 2008, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (who represents California's 8th congressional district) told reporters that her fellow Democratic Representatives did not want to forbid reintroduction of the Fairness Doctrine, adding “the interest in my caucus is the reverse.” When asked by John Gizzi of Human Events, “Do you personally support revival of the ‘Fairness Doctrine?’”, the Speaker replied "Yes." Here's a link for you... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairness_Doctrine You want to reconsider your "Get a grip... really." comment?
did you read his entire post? it was only 2 sentences. you'll still have the RIGHT to listen to it (which you said you wouldn't). you may not like what's on, but you have that right.
You lost me on the "which you said you wouldn't". I don't plan to watch the national television news but said that I would change to the radio format. The Fairness Doctrine only applies to radio. (surprise) I guess I'll have a right to listen to the Democrats agenda but not to anything else. Now I understand how the new world order works. Wow, and all this time I thought they were going to violate my rights. So if I understand this correctly, as long as I do and say what Obama wants and I never voice a contrary opinion...then I have the right to live in this changed America. Got it!