Well why don't we measure it by percentages since you seem to like that format. What percentage is a high paid executive paid of the revenue or profit. What is the percentage is a small business man paid of the revenue or profit. I would imagine the percentage is much higher for the small business man. Maybe we should cut everyone pay to X % .. This is so Un-American it ain't funny. And yes I said it.
I'm too lazy but I take from my own account. Their $50 million dollar salary vs Billions of Rev is a low percent. My salary vs My Rev is a high percent.
A Bad Bill For Cap-And-Trade - Forbes.com Cap-and-Trade: Bad For The Economy & Us - Forecasts & Trends - InvestorsInsight.com | Financial Intelligence, Advice & Research / Investment Strategies & Planning for Individual Investors. Why cap and trade could backfire | csmonitor.com Pete Sepp: Cap-and-trade bad for economy | Letters | OnlineAthens.com
Citations! Get down with yourself, SF! That's what I'm talking about, good job. Now, let's get at it . . . Opinions differ . . . The Energy Bill is regrettably loaded with over 100 poison amendments that have little to do with cap & trade itself. I agree that some of these are unwise and would love to see a simpler cap and trade divested of the baggage. The concept of C&T is good, and proven successful . . . it doesn't meant that the politicians can't find ways to screw it up. But we should not throw out the baby with the bath water. When addressing costs, one must also address benefits.
not just him, all of us. your massive government policies are a source of misery for billions. you claim you are not in favor of massive big government, while arguing the benefits of an absolutely massive energy tax program. it is ludicrous. i thought you might be honest and argue that it is a massive and expensive program, but you think it is worth it for the same of the precious environment. and you examinations of salaries, this is none of of your business, and if, as a stockholder it is your business, then it is not a political issue but simply your business decision that has nothing to do with this forum.
1. I have no massive government policies. 2. Prove misery for millions. That's right. Simple advocating of a policy is not advocating BIG government. That's a martin distraction and I'm tired of it. You can't argue a topic and you drive all to discussion to BIG government. :insane: Time and time again, It bores me. It's free speech alley, Hoss. I can comment on anything that I want to. Feel free to ignore me or object. Don't even dream about shutting me up. If that annoys you, good.
you say this while favoring cap and trade, presumably just to make a mockery of yourself? i said billions with a B. the most important thing in the world is economic development, which is enabled by free trade. the US economy is integral to the world economy. the better we do, the better everyone does. our consumers buy products from everywhere and keep the global economy running. your policies restrict economic growth. and economic growth is exactly what the world needs more than anything. which of us is the one worrying about who makes how much money? why is that any of your concern? are you lobbying for government involvement? you are the one always invoking government as a solution to every problem imaginable. you are driving the discussion to big government. i am driving it to freedom. you certain can discuss whateve you like. i am simply trying to make you admit that either a. you are for government manipulation of private salaries or b. you simply dont like the salaries, in which case you have no point to make and nobody cares. dang man i thought we were buds.
Re: exec pay cut this article says its not quite a drop in the bucket Who cares if Wall Street 'talent' leaves? - Oct. 23, 2009 "Yet even as they were running themselves into the ground, the firms managed to pay out more than $12 billion in bonuses -- including 1,606 million-dollar-plus bonuses, according to a report from the New York attorney general's office."