With a slow Sunday, Im watching a replay on AMC of the original Ocean's Eleven. Frank Sinatra has Angie Dickinson cornered in the elevator and tells her: "I've got some great news" She quips back, "Auburn beat Alabama by 12 points". Never caught that before.... :geauxtige
I was watching the movie Sideways the other day... not the first time I've seen it. Not a bad flick...but, anyway, there is a scene in a bar that has the Alabama v Auburn game playing in it. Curious, are there any movies out there that feature LSU?
"Cocktail" with Tom Cruise. Near the beginning, the TV behind the bar has an LSU- Georgia football game on.
Everybody's All American..... (Just Kidding it was so stupid I couldnt stop myself) Kazaam - A fine piece of work that is. Acting is stellar. Only reason I like Billy Joels "we didnt start the fire" is because he says "Pistol Petes Palace" Yes I know he says Ole Miss...
Never let the truth get in the way of Hollywood film. :wink: Got killed in '57, three years before the movie came out. (1960) Lost by 6 in '58, won in 59-62. As if Angie Dickinson knew a damn thing about football in the first place. :thumb: I remember that now...thanks.
The Dukes of Hazzard was filmed on the LSU campus and surrounding areas but the story line had them in Georgia somewhere. I am sure we will see many more films filmed near the campus now with the incentives for movie production in the state. My new job deals with real estate and production aspect of the business. Baton Rouge will go along way if the state doesnt back out and continues its support of the film industry.
Well, I guess you don't need to like the song anymore, because at no point does it say "Pistol Pete's Palace". I could be wrong, but I've checked the lyrics twice.
As of now Louisiana is the 3rd in the number of films produced. With all the tax credits being given out many of these companies awarded credits will either not get a chance to use them based on the restrictions and time limits set or Louisiana will have to back out of a few promises. As of now option A seems to be playing out with many companies not laying the groundwork to have most of the infastruture in place to be completed by the Summer of '08. This time might be extended for companies already breaking ground.