YouTube - Glenn Beck : Don't Rebuild New Orleans YouTube - Glenn Beck: "I hate 9/11 victims families for asking questions" YouTube - Glenn Beck: He's a New Breed of Racist?Obama's Race Preferences and Reparations 'Health Care' Plan YouTube - GateKeeping Shill:Glenn Beck ties 911 Truthers to Holocaust Shooting,White Supremacy and AL CIAeda Maybe.
I'd like to see someone debate what he's saying and show how it's not completely true. It's a long video but worth watching. YouTube - Glenn Beck: He's a New Breed of Racist?Obama's Race Preferences and Reparations 'Health Care' Plan Now, after watching, how is he wrong? How is what is being done constitutional? Constitutionality obvious means nothing when it comes to our government and their agendas.
One can't debate a video, amigo. Just posting some Napolitano rant or a Glen Beck opinion piece without any personal commentary does not particularly move me to respond. I read stuff like that every day. Thanks for sharing, but why should I care beyond that? Why not make some points that you feel strongly about. I might debate with you if I disagree because you will interact and make it worthwhile. But I might as well talk to the wall as to debate Glen Beck's video. This is what I've been trying to get 10 to understand.
He's also had 20 advertisers pull their spots from his show since his 'Obama is a racist' remarks. Dude's a complete quack, and does nothing but prey on people's fears. He appeals to the lowest common denominator, which unfortunately is good for ratings.:nope:
I'm not going to write everything that Beck said in the video. That's why the video is there. There are several direct quotes from obama in the video and discussion of why he is doing some of the things that he's doing. I said I agree with Beck's observations. What more do you want? Did you watch the video? Let's look at it this way...,Beck makes the statement that obamacare, welfare, and social security, etc. are all forms of reparations because of who they help the most. He states that obama is not in favor of direct reparations because once paid we (non-blacks) would feel like our debt has been paid. He even has a video of obama saying as much to the NAACP in his video. Basically, obama believes in universal programs because they mostly benefit people of color.
Big deal...20 out of how many? I've never heard of most of the advertisers who dropped him. Also, for every twenty he loses there are twenty more willing to jump in their spots.
I think if you like glenn beck, you would like alex jones more. Conspiracy tinted. I have a thread on the first page if you are interested. I think glenn beck while informative, is a bad person. And my moral compass wont allow me to watch his garbage.
He's Looney Tunes, for sure, but he's a strict Constitutionalist and his message is on the mark. Plus, he's entertaining. His racist comments were contextual, but liberals prefer to shoot the messenger rather than face the truth. Is it OK to portray ObamaCare protesters as racist? I can't find any objections from you on that one.
Well, I think he's full of bull. That's a huge leap of illogic without evidence and Beck isn't here to debate the point. He's wrong for one thing, Medicare and Social Security benefit far more white people than black people. OK, I'll take that as a position that you are taking. So make your case. You can't just quote Glen Beck's opinions as evidence that Obama is attempting to use universal health insurance as reparations for slavery. Insurance that is available to everybody cannot be considered as a reparation to anybody. Beck calls Obama a racist with no evidence at all, only pure speculation. I presume that you also think so. So make your case. Don't post a video of a Limbaugh rant or some other kook's wild-ass opinions. Post your evidence for Obama being a racist and be prepared to defend your position.